No More Mixing 4 Different Powders to Achieve a Good Ayuverdic Hair Wash Anymore- Nzuri Has Already Mixed 6 of the World's Best Ayurverdic Hair Strengthening Powders Reetha, Amla, Shikakai, Neem, Sweet Basil & More!
Congratulations on purchasing one of the most important items of any hair care regimen and that is a good root strengthening, ayurvedic hair wash! This product is very unique in that it has taken all of the guesswork out of properly mixing powders for maximum results.
Directions: Mix powder to hot water to form a paste. Use 1/4 cup of hot water to 4 TBSP of powder. Mix. You may have to add more or less powder or water to get it to a paste where you can apply it with your fingers or a brush applicator without drip.
For natural Afro American hair, since black hair is prone to dryness you will need to use the Nzuri conditioner or whatever conditioner you have after you rinse out powder to restore moisture to tresses. This is not a moisturizing treatment but a hair cleanser and strengthening treatment that will restore strength to your hair and scalp which probably has been damaged or altered from years of chemical relaxers, perms and hair color. This hair wash powder is a hair cleanser, so you do not need to shampoo after use.
It takes the place of regular shampoo and can be alternated between your shampoos. It acts like a clarifying shampoo in that it will remove the buildup of other hair products. Your hair will be tensile strong with regular use. You should notice a different in hair strength from the first application. With regular use (at least 2 times a month) until your hair is as strong as you like and then once a month may be sufficient.
For non-Afro hair or hair that is shedding excessively you may use this powder once a week. It is safe to use as often as needed. Afro hair may use often as well just moisturize hair with a moisturizer or deep moisture treatment. For extra deep conditioning you may apply the Nzuri Stop Hair Loss oil or Hair Follicle Food 61 to hair first and then apply hair wash powder on top of oil. Leave in hair for at least 2 hours or overnight. Be sure to cover hair with plastic cap.
- Reetha or the Indian soap nut is a natural cleanser. It has been used for centuries in India for bathing & washing hair.
- Shikakai is a natural hair conditioner.
- Amla gives gloss & shine to hair & strengthens hair roots.
- Vasaka prevents scalp infections.
- Bhringaraj, which means the King of Hair in Sanskrit, keeps the scalp cool & prevents hair fall.
- Neem
- & Tulsi are anti-bacterial & Fenugreek prevents dandruff. Henna
- conditions hair & has astringent properties which maintains scalp
- health.
- Lemon is a natural cleanser.
- Hibiscus is a natural hair conditioner & promotes hair growth.
- Jamun is anti-bacterial & has a cooling effect on the scalp preventing hair loss due to heat buildup.
- Mango works as an astringent; it is also anti-bacterial & cools the scalp.
- a paste of Nzuri herbal hair wash powder with warm water, apply all
- over scalp and hair, massage to create lather, leave on for 5 to 10
- minutes and rinse off. For deeper conditioning leave on minimum 30
- minutes.